So I know that this post comes a long time after Match Day 2016 over a month ago, but I pretty much celebrated, packed up and went to Guatemala for a month (more on that later). After a stressful week of waiting find out where, I was thrilled to learn I’ll be spending the next three years down the road from my medical school, and at the other medical periphery of Rowan University. Despite the fact that I never did a clinical elective at Cooper, I met so many awesome residents at this program and faculty that seemed genuinely invested in their success that it quickly skyrocketed to the top of my list. I start work in the last full week of June, and I’m both terrified and excited to take this next step in my training!
My final clinical elective of my medical career also wrapped up a few days ago. I spent a month working at the ASSADE/DOCARE Clinic in San Andres Iztapa, a small town in Guatemala about 45 minutes outside of Antigua. In addition to being honored to help many impoverished people living in the region, I also had the opportunity to drastically improve my skills in medical Spanish, ultrasound (especially obstetric), and experience in how the healthcare systems in Guatemala operate. Taking the experience of four years of osteopathic medical training and bringing it to another country was an exceptional capstone to my medical education, and I couldn’t be more proud to call these people my friends and colleagues.