Blog Archives

Baltimore, Seattle, Philadelphia, Raleigh

I promised this update back a few months ago, but I’ve been a little forgetful since then with regards to my blogging responsibility.  Because as much as I know nobody’s reading this but me currently, maybe one day…   October

Posted in cosgp, OMED, Travel

A Single Accreditation, House of Delegates, and Some Catching Up!

Oh wow I came on here to post a little about the conferences I attended this fall, but found out I never posted anything from the end of the summer!  What an enormous oversight, as quite a lot happened around

Posted in AOA, cosgp, Travel

Student Government Vice President, Passing the Boards, and A Short Vacation

It’s been a long while since I last wrote anything here, mostly because I was absorbed by that vortex of monomania known as THE BOARDS, so I will tell you all about the things I have been up to since

Posted in AOA, Boards, cosgp, House of Delegates, Travel